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Motivation Vs Discipline – Why motivation is failing you.

Updated: Nov 20, 2021

February 14, 2021

Motivation is easily manipulated; you read, hear, or watch something that you can relate to, and you get that shot of dopamine making you feel pumped and ready to crush all your dreams and goals. It is an external factor that influences your actions. While feeling motivated is great, what goes up must also come down and that’s where discipline shines and takes over when that dopamine starts dropping. Discipline comes from within; it is an intrinsic factor that is totally under your control and your control only. It is a long-term solution to help accomplish your dreams and hit all your targets.

Motivation and discipline can be compared to a switch. As motivation is an external factor you rely on others to switch that switch for you, they switch it on and switch it off. You rely on them to be successful and if they don’t switch that switch for you, that switch will not be turned off and you won’t accomplish anything. On the other hand, discipline as an internal factor is controlled by you, you are responsible for your own switch which you turn on and off. Once you learn to turn that switch on it is harder to turn it off. Discipline is seen when you’re tired, unmotivated, and feeling lazy, it is that drive within that helps you complete the tasks that you set out for yourself no matter how difficult or hard that gets. If you really desire something, discipline will be easier to train and develop.

An example of discipline (this is a big one for me) is following a training plan or routine at the gym. Life is hard and no one said it is going to be easy, let’s say you follow a 6-day strength training program at the gym and one cardio day, that is 7 days a week at the gym. Throughout the week you face many obstacles whether it is overtime at work, emergencies that you need to sort out and other challenges. You cannot always have the energy and motivation to go train or work throughout the evening on your own hustles. However, if you have discipline and you flip that switch on you will still do it, no matter how "shit" it might feel, small progress is better than no progress.

There are certain days, where I personally, really cannot be bothered. Especially during these lockdown days where everything is so dark and gloomy. Gyms are closed, its minus temperatures outside yet I still go outside and train with the limited equipment that I own. When people ask me, what motivates me it is hard to explain I’m not motivated, I just have a goal, patience and a lot of discipline to do what I have to do to be successful in everything I choose to do in life. Meanwhile, motivation is a great jumpstart to put you on track to achieve your goals without discipline it’s hard to push and keep pushing when times get tough.

Remember to always follow your dreams and push for what you deserve and nothing less. Always strive to be the best you can be. Strive for excellence.

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